Python User Input

User input is a way to interact with your Python program and allows users to provide data or make choices during the program's execution. In this lesson, we will cover how to get user input and handle it in your Python programs.

Getting User Input

You can use the input() function to prompt the user for input. For example:

name = input('Enter your name: ')
print('Hello, ' + name)

Handling User Input

User input is often in the form of strings, so you may need to convert it to other types, such as integers or floats, for calculations or other operations. For example:

age_str = input('Enter your age: ')s
age = int(age_str)
print('You are ' + str(age) + ' years old')



User input is a powerful tool for interacting with your Python programs. By using the input() function and handling user input correctly, you can create more dynamic and interactive applications.

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